
Included in your South African Safari are all field preparations of trophies. This includes skinning, capping, salting, as well as tagging of hides, horns, tusks, and skins, and the delivery to your taxidermist of choice.
We recommend that the mounting be done in South Africa as our taxidermists have the knowledge and skills to work with our South African animals.
Trophies can be shipped from South Africa either raw or mounted. In the case of a raw shipment, it will be sent to a taxidermist of your choice in your country of origin after being thoroughly treated by a South African taxidermist.
The regulations and procedures for exporting vary depending on the species hunted.
Important Information Concerning Taxidermy Work:
- Only one client per crate. This is an arrangement required by the USA.
- Trophies must remain in South Africa for a minimum of 90 days before shipping.
- Warthogs can cause a delay in shipping if the State Veterinarian of the area is not available to issue transport permits.
- Shipping costs can only be finalized by the time trophies are dropped off
- Payment of a deposit to the taxidermist will ensure that your work goes on the production line
- Warthog must be packed in a separate crate.
- Raw and processed products cannot be shipped together.
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